Sunday, September 12, 2010

In the red

One of the things I wanted to do with this blog is share real-life stories, crafting in the trenches per se. I read many blogs - what an addict I am, but everyone's projects always turn out perfectly. My red toile quilt was an example of misadventure. First, my reds didn't quite jive with the pattern I was going to make. So, the fabric languished for a few months. Then, when I had inspiration, I didn't have enough yardage so I decided to make the quilt scrappy, playing with the layout of the squares for added visual impact.

Once the quilt was all done, my friend Jo had a great idea for "framing" the blocks which worked beautifully - thanks Jo.

After all the sewing, I proudly took the quilt outside to hand on the line for a celebrity quilt photo event. Ah, this is where the story turns.

A poor, unfortunate, sick bird managed to do some very nasty business on my quilt - it happened so fast! Also unfortunate, my stain removing agent by choice, did not take out the stain. So, I had to rip out the offending square - luckily, it was just one, and then cut and sew a new one in.

Here is the rescued quilt, not to be placed outside any time soon.

Has anyone else had such misadventures?

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