Tuesday, March 1, 2011

For a sweet baby....

My office mate asked me to make her granddaughter a sweater - specifically, a cardigan for her little Lucy. Well, my office mate is so wonderful - she listens to me, advises me, laughs with me, (cries with me), and well, really, she's the best ever. How could I decline?

She, with great giddiness, hopped, no leaped into the process and picked out a pattern that she liked. Even though it was with size 3 needles, I said yes. Even though I didn't get gauge, I kept a'truckin.

Good thing too, because, well, its just scrumptious. Here's little Lucy's sweater - no daylight to be had, only cloudy days, so the pictures are a little dark.

The buttons came from Wal-mart about a gazillion years ago - I bought a bunch for my baby (now 10) and have been waiting for that certain item, and this one, they fit just perfect.

Pattern: Cardigan, Baby - Ravelry link
Yarn: Debbie Bliss, Baby Cashmerino in yellow and lilac
A note about this yarn - I LOVE Debbie Bliss, don't get me wrong. But this yarn, is a little limp. I think its perfect for this project but if you want more stability, I might try something else.

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