The wonderfully long Labor Day weekend bloomed ahead of us, so we decided to take a meandering journey to the Kane County Fair.
We hadn't been for quite a while, maybe since J was four? It had changed quite a bit from what I remembered. There were many wonderful craft elements amongst the antiques and flea market finds!
a delightfully frothy concoction in maueve ...

My sister didn't come with me but I had to take pictures of the metal art. The bright corn made me smile.
But, this goat, oh how I wanted to bring the bashful guy home! Maybe next time....
I love corningware, don't you?
The shabby elements were sometimes too wonderful to pass up.
These guys were a hoot and I really liked the smokey BBQ sauce.
This gal had a wonderfully creative side to her displays, I thought this was a great idea. I "will" improve and get shop names next time.
After walking around for several hours, I managed to find one item on my list. I bought this impressionist bouquet for the where? the sewing room of course!
I TOTALLY would have bought the goat!!! I love it!