Stage 1: This first stage consists of the gardener [me] wildly galloping around the yard desperately trying to stop the wild invasion of dandelions, crab grass, and thistles that suddenly appear in the flower beds.
Stage 2: After taking a breather in the month of June, the gardener now finds that those crazy weeds that look like carrots, the crabgrass, the dandelions and thistles have risen up and multiplied like the love children at Woodstock.
Stage 2.5: Before the next stage arrives, the gardener visits one too many garden shops and plucks virgin perennials into available spaces - hoping that the tender perennials can battle it out and win over the nasty weeds.
Stage 3: It's July and too hot to do anything.
Stage 4: August finds the gardener enjoying summer. Due to the lack of rain, there is no way to rip out the weeds without suffering intense carpal tunnel pains in the hands and wrists. Basically, its too hot to do anything.
Stage 5: Fall is coming and in a fit of desperation, the gardener once again wildly dashes about the garden trying to fight the weeds before the beds are put to sleep for the winter.
Today, instead of looking at a picture of weeds, please find enjoyment in the pretty lilacs that I cut for the sewing room.
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