Friday, June 18, 2010

Garden Tour

For the past few years, I've watched the paper for news of the Woodstock Garden tour. For the last two summers, I haven't been able to go due to working, vacationing, or missing the dates. This year though, I made an effort, and for the first time was able to make it.

It was a glorious day, spent with my mom and Holly. Six lovely gardeners opened their gardens for viewing - what a delight it was. Woodstock is full of hidden gardens and whimsical, creative gardeners.

This guy just made me smile!

These roses were just magnificent!

I'm not sure what types of coneflowers these are but the center pom pom was entrancing.

Lovely gazebo outside of the B&B used in the Groundhog's Day movie.

This home features a garden art tour in July. This is the stage where the musicians play.

The Groundhog's Day B&B.

Ahhh, hostas.

While it was hot, the gardens were worth the journey and we had a great time.

Monday, June 14, 2010

Pom Poms

For a recent baby shower, I became slightly [cough] obsessed with making the Martha Stewart pom poms. I made these, above, to go in the sewing room, made from full sheets of tissue paper. We also made smaller ones, 6 inches wide, to work as flowers for the tablescape in aqua and orange. Brilliant. The mom-to-be was delighted. I think they would look great in O's room too!

Friday, June 11, 2010


I've just rediscovered Gywneth Paltrow's site, GOOP - a weekly newsletter focusing on food, travels and meanderings from Gywneth. I had such a great time touring around. I especially liked this article on the redesign of living space for GP when she was on location in Nashville.

Her book section was equally interesting, my Amazon wishlist is overflowing.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Packing the projects

We're going on vacation soon and I'm getting my assortment of car projects ready. Long car ride, you know? What, you might ask, is that item above? It's a teddy hat from Amanda Keeyes' Beanie Babies.

I love this book, it really has some wonderful hats - very easy to knit but with high visual and design impact. The author's journey to knitting is interesting too - she's a photographer who needed cute hats for her models. I can totally see you doing something like this T!

On a side note, I've started working on this koigu scarf - 648 stitches, cast on! Whew. I'm not sure if it will be a good car ride project though. The pattern is from Churchmouse Yarns & Teas on Bainbridge Island in Seattle. I visited last year when I was at the ACRL conference and it is a MUST visit if you're in the neighborhood.

Friday, June 4, 2010


Last night, I made the most wonderful dinner - alas, no pictures. Broiled salmon with baby potatoes including butter and parsley - oh, it just melted in our mouths.

So, today when I'm thinking, what to blog about? knowing that I haven't sewn a stitch, but I have finished two baby hats for Miss Holly (pictures to come later), I decided I was hungry and would blog about things I'd like to eat right now.
From the Pioneer Woman's kitchen...
From the kitchen of Posie Gets Cozy...

and from Craftzine...


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